Guest Post: Pointless Pretty Things

Since starting my new job, I've found it hard sometimes to balance everything as well as maintaining the blog. Most of the time, if I'm on deadline for The Crack and I've got in from work late then all I want to do is sleep. Speaking to another blogger, Rachel, I realised that I'm far from the only one feeling like this, and that it's just a case of trying to be more organised about how I blog. And she was kind enough to write a guest post for me so she could share all of her tips..

Hello Raspberry Kitsch readers! I'm Rachel from Pointless Pretty Things, and the lovely Hannah has very kindly invited me over on to her blog today to talk a bit about blog organisation.

Blog Organisation

Now I have to start off by saying that this is definitely not a representation of how organised I am all the time. It's tempting to pretend.... but that would be lying. At the moment this is me on a really good day. But practice makes perfect and I'm hoping that eventually being more organised will become habit rather than effort.

So with that disclaimer out of the way, here's a few tips that I've picked up on how to organise your blog posts:

- Have a separate organiser/calendar dedicated to your blog. I use a notebook to record all of my ideas for posts and then I plan them with a calendar.

- Make your planning flexible. Use a post-it for each post so then you can rearrange your schedule whenever you like. I love this because it's way less pressure to stick to an exact plan.

- Set little goals for yourself. My calendar also has a white board, which is perfect for writing lists and having my goals for the month on display where I can be reminded of them.

- Write posts in advance. Eeesh, this one I'm still not so good at. But it really is the best way to use blogging time! Scheduling your posts takes the pressure off the week and makes posting more balanced - but definitely requires discipline. Have any of you cracked this yet?

That's all from me, thanks for having me Hannah :)


  1. Ah I love the colorful post its and calendar! I always use them to add some color to my work space!

  2. Hannah, I love your blog (we've a mutual friend in Emma L (from Ncl, English Literature) and we were talking at the weekend about how lovely your blog is). Secondly I also love fireworks, and wondered where your NE bonfire night suggestions are? Often bloggers post after the event, but prior to means others get a heads up about where to go (I've also suggested this to Katy at Girl in the North - whose blog I found through yours, as her posts of cool stuff in Sunderland make me want to make a trip there (never thought I'd say that as a girl from Newcastle!), but unfortunately they're often events which have already passed!) I hope the launch event goes well, really chuffed you have a job too.

    Claire x

    1. Hi Claire, apologies for the late reply! Aw really? I do love Miss Lister!
      I love Bonfire night too. I'm not sure where I'm heading this year but usually Saltwell Park in Gateshead put on a good display. The launch event went really well thanks! My head has been in bits for the last couple of days while I made sure everything was sorted for it.. so unfortunately my personal emails and blogging have been a little neglected! xx

  3. wow i definitely need to start doing something like this! i'm your newest follower on GFC! hope you visit and follow me too? i think you'll like my outfits :)

  4. I totally need to take these tips and make sure I follow them. While I write posts in advance... I go through spells where I have nothing to write about at all or I'm too busy to even think about blogging!

    Anyway, what a great first guest post this was! :) x

  5. This is such an amazing idea. I love the post it notes tip. I will have to get that huge pack you have in the picture! x
    Just Rach ♥

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