Lifestyle: Chunky knitted blankets, pallet coffee tables & DIY ideas from Pinterest

Between whitewashed pallet tables and chunky knit blankets, I think I'm going through a bit of a DIY phase. And it's pretty much all Pinterest's fault. If you follow my Pinterest, you might've noticed my sudden obsession with clean, whitewashed bedrooms and recycled furniture. The trouble with living in a modern flat is that it just doesn't have the character of an old building. There's not original features or wooden floorboards, or even large high ceilinged rooms. Plus there's only so much you can do with a rented space before your landlord starts getting pissed... So while I can imagine myself living in one of these idillic lofts flooded with natural light, I can't quite have that yet. In the mean time, I've started trying to introduce little touches here and there to make the flat more like the kind of aesthetic I want. It started with a coffee table and a lot of hours spent trawling scrap yards looking for decent pallets. More on that later though, because it's still a work in progress! Now I've progressed to soft furnishings... for ages I've been obsessed with those thick, chunky blankets. I've watched Youtube tutorials and searched through knitting sites like Deramores. I've always been an ok knitter so while something like a jumper or a cardigan is still too much of a challenge, I figure a blanket is more realistic... Watch this space!


  1. I absolutely love that blanket!! I'd love to get something similar to this as it's so thick and cosy looking! xx

    Jenny | Krystel Couture

  2. Can you recommend a place to find chunky knit wool for this heavy knit blanket? I was looking for ages last night and had no luck! I need to knit something to stop me fidgeting!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm so sorry I missed your comment! My friend Clare runs an online shop called Pomme Pomme and makes them to order :)


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